6 Infamous Food Recall Incidents in India

In 2018, outrage sparked across the nation when Aashirvaad Atta was thought to have plastic in it. People could not believe that a basic ingredient of the food they ate every day was tainted, especially when produced by such a big company. Here’s the kicker though, the leftover stretchy substance was not plastic; it was… Continue reading 6 Infamous Food Recall Incidents in India

From Soil to Plate: Health Implications of Heavy Metals in Your Food

Ideally, everything we consume in our lives would be all-natural and free of impurities. However, in practice, there is nothing 100% pure in nature. Everything that enters our body has some contaminants or impurities. Some of these impurities are toxic to the body, including heavy metals in foods.   Heavy metal exposure, even in small… Continue reading From Soil to Plate: Health Implications of Heavy Metals in Your Food